North Valley to the Mountains


painting #1 on Fabriano soft press 300# 11 x 14 inches

I have painted this a few times before Busy with Landscapes and this one I like the best: Glory Be!  I have been going through a general dislike of my paintings but I know that I go through this cycle every month or so and it will pass, thank goodness!


painting #2 on Arches  140# rough 11 x 14 inches

This painting was from a reference photo that I took from my adventure with my brother to go see Bear Valley in Glenn County in the north valley here in Northern California. This place was amazing because of all the rain we received, the land breathed with moisture. I have never seen green as I did on that trip. Most of the roads were dirt or gravel and ranches were everywhere.


Bear Valley in Glenn Co. California

I saw something that I have never seen before and my brother had to point it out to me. Along the fence were two coyotes who had been shot and strung up, apparently this is suppose to be a deterrent to other coyotes. My husband told me that he remembers seeing this as a youngster on the school bus passing a ranch in Nevada County.


Acid green hills!


painting #3 on Arches 140# rough 11 x 14 inches

Last but not least, a view of the North Yuba river in Sierra County. Now onto other paintings and hopefully I’ll get into a better frame of mind with the next paintings.

*A word about photos. The photos on my blog are mine, taken by me and copying them would be stealing from me. If you find a photo that you would like to copy or use, I request that you ask me for permission and I expect you to give me full credit for my own photo. Thank you so very much.









28 thoughts on “North Valley to the Mountains

  1. Oh Margaret. How could you not be happy with your paintings??!! 😉. That third one especially caused me to gasp! The colors. The glow. The overall feeling of peace and joy. Sigh. And bravo!!!

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  2. Lovely work, Margaret, especially that last one of the river. I go through spells of not feeling satisfied with my work, too, I know what you mean! I tend to tell myself that that kind of thing is what motivates me to work on my problem areas, but you’re right, it does usually pass after a while! My mother-in-law is out in California right now, her brother lives right next to Yosemite, she said they closed all the park entrances except on due to the wet season….I find that so hard to imagine since it was so, so, dry the one time I went out there!

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    1. It already has passed and it took knuckling down and getting a painting that I am satisfied with to chase it away. Thank you for your comments and encouragement, always good to hear someone else deals with that. 🙂 oh and Yosemite area is beautiful. I hate visiting the park when it is in full swing, feels like a zoo!

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      1. Oh good! glad it passed already! Yes, I was in Yosemite in August and I just wished for less people at all the major landmarks….however, my husbands Uncles know how to get away from the beaten path, quite well, so it wasn’t all bad! 🙂

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  3. Great paintings Margaret, the second one is my favorite. It is great to hear of your acceptance of your cycle of like and dislike of your own work. The spiral goes up and down as it turns, but t does go upward!

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