Revisit to A Yuba River Scene

painting #1 on Fabriano 200# 7 x 9 inches

I decided to revisit a scene on the river that I have painted at least 20 times.  I had recently discovered some old paintings from my watercolor past A Look Back and felt that it would be fun to go back and see how I would approach an old haunt of mine. Painting #1 was difficult to marry up the photo to the painting, bear that in mind. That rock on the left is not so blue and all the blotches are not as sharp as in this photo. I think that I might go back and soften up that darkest rock. It was that dark in reality but it doesn’t coincide with the rest of the landscape in this painting.

My scene

The photo above is my scene when there was more brilliant light, I had the hardest time taking a photo without the sun rays interfering. I must say that this spot at this particular time with fall lighting was so beautiful that I was almost constantly saying “OH MY GOODNESS!” I was also bursting out in song and I am not a singer!

painting #2 on Saunders 200# 7 x 9 inches

I totally loved painting this one, it seemed to be a no-brainer in how to paint it. The rocks to the left look almost too overwhelming in the photo but in reality, it is just right. I might take up a bit of the dark color but I’ll wait and see.

painting #3 on Saunders 200# 7 x 9 inches

Oh My Goodness! This one was so fun painting that I almost wanted to jump for joy, I couldn’t because I was too darn busy painting and I was perched on a rock…..jump for joy fun! I let loose with this one and didn’t worry that it didn’t follow the rock formation that I was looking at. I was going for feeling.

My “Jump For Joy” scene

Beautiful, isn’t it? Now I had painted a 4th painting but my water went muddy on me and I do believe that I introduced a 4th color to get what I wanted and I knew it was happening while I dabbed away at my palette. For shame! I am always a two or perhaps three color painter (as we all should be). I think that I didn’t plan out my color combo in the beginning and got insecure and there you go. I also have a rock in that painting that I have struggled with all the times that I have painted there. I plan to knock that component down with a future painting. Until next time!

Learning Points:

  • Duh! I keep forgetting to sign my name and do a copyright on my paintings! Debi Riley has been urging me, maybe pleading with me and what do I do? I ignore her once again! I need to learn how to put a copyright on my photos and my paintings but I am so slow at these kind of things.
  • Mix on the paper and alternate your edges, makes things fun and exciting.
  • Have fun, doggoneit!

36 thoughts on “Revisit to A Yuba River Scene

  1. LOL pencil your name on, add (c) and 2016 will do 🙂
    and now… oh MY gosh – what BRILLIANCE and loveliness you share with us today… delight delight delight!!
    love them. quite drawn to #2 so lovely. and those MY SCENE photos… I’m jealous AS! the colors…ooh la la. will have to repin your work, as always… with your name attached.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know what? I have been painting the Yuba for years and yet today was THE prettiest ever! I thought I would burst with the beauty, Oh my Goodness! I will write myself a note and attach it to the nose to get the job done! lol geeze what does it take to drill it in my head? #2 is my fav as well….it was magical painting it 🙂

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      1. those days – are magical rare jewels. they stay in your mind, soul… when we are young, we think they’re a dime a dozen. but, realise much later (LOL) to fully absorb and engage at that moment. To Remember.
        And what I know, I see that you do .. is just that 🙂 thats why your paintings, have so much Life in them M!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think that you are on something, I never thought it that way before. I have always been keen to light, color and beauty esp. in nature but it has really truly grabbed me these past few years and it feels like I’ll explode. Interesting, I keep thinking that I can’t convey what I see or feel in my paintings and yet you are seeing something being conveyed. So, it is coming through after all! I see that brilliance or “sparkle” as I call it. Thank you Debi, I love your perspective on things, here is your gold star for today…….Gold Star* lol

        Liked by 1 person

      3. love those Gold Stars!! thanks! and, yessss….. it often, takes outside eyes to see the bigger picture and can have a bit more objectiveness, imo. WE. are in the forest and can’t see the forest for the trees.. LOL

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely paintings Margaret, it’s funny really, I have so many colours in my two palettes, but use mainly three at a time, out of 9 favs….sometimes the addition of just a spot or two making it a four colour painting, it always surprises me how many colours can be created with just three tubes of paint. Regarding the copyright, do you have an iPad or equivalent! I use an app ‘watermark’ it is quick and easy, for me putting my blog address helps, if it is on Pinterest, it means someone can always navigate back to the original, and find my blog to follow, ( not that I collect followers, I really don’t care for competition, or targets, it’s a hobby and I just enjoy blogging, it’s like a diary to me)…love number 2 painting 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t have an iPad but I need to look into it. I rather use an app so that way I can also put it on my photos as well. Thank you for your comments and yes, I think that I might use a fourth color but in a “spot”. With my river color I wonder if I used a 5th! I don’t know but it turned muddy. I am doing an experiment where I scrubbed out the river and part of a rock and I’ll re-do it. I can’t wait to see if it will work.


  3. Such a good idea to paint a scene many times….because as you well know, each time we look, we see something different.. I particularly like the second painting in this series. I imagine you painting this weekend in one of the glorious settings that surround you. Have a lovely week…janet:)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I could go through your entire blog and ‘like’ every one of your paintings but you might think I’m weird. I absolutely LOVE your work Margaret! My heart kinda jumps with every painting. I’m new to watercolor – only been painting for four consecutive months and I haven’t found my style yet but I know what I like and it’s your work. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Carol, you have absolutely made my day! I am so hard on myself and when I get feedback like yours, it really softens that hard attitude that I have about my work. You will find your style, it takes time. I don’t mind at all you having a look see or liking, I think that we all are so afraid to come off as odd if we express ourselves. I have a tendency to talk or interact too much, it is a part of me but sometimes I hold back because people aren’t really into that much. So nice to get to know you!

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  5. There’s nothing wrong with being sociable. I am too it’s just that not too many people are that way. My husband says the same thing to me – that I’m too hard on myself but the difference is your work is actually good. I have some serious problems because I’m extremely left brained, have a technical background, yet I love colors. The problem is that I tend to paint everything evenly with no expression, no movement, no nothing. Everything is in it’s neat little place but I must break out of that. I don’t even have much of an imagination – I have to look at something to get inspired. Then there’s the part where I can’t actually draw or paint – I have no real talent but I’m having fun. I was doing counted cross stitch before (a couple yrs now) and I felt limited because it’s not really creative – so I took to painting only I can’t draw or paint well. 🙂 hahahaha You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself because it’s obvious you’ve got natural talent. I think we tend to see our own work differently than others but take it from me, and many others on your site, you do beautiful work! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Interesting…..did you know that I don’t consider myself to have an imagination? Just recently I feel that I have ‘whiffs’ of one! lol I think that getting outside to paint has been the ticket for me. It takes time to establish your work and what or where you would like to go with it. Observation is integral to developing a keen eye. Never compare yourself to other artists, because you are cancelling out you have to offer. We all have some ‘art’ inside that is just waiting to be released.

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      1. I don’t have a desire to do plein air because of nature and bugs and things. hahaha. But I do look at photos and that helps. As far as looking at other people’s work, I do that in order to gauge my level of sucktitude. 🙂 🙂 I see what you mean though and you’re right. We are all unique and have our different styles and ways. Looking forward to seeing more of your work. 🙂

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  6. Pingback: Old River Haunts – Yuba Gold

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