Daring Watercolor #14

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I thought I would start this post with a fun and interesting story. Are you wondering what that monstrosity of a flower is above? I wondered that myself and asked the gardener at the Empire Mine State Park while taking a stroll in their gardens. She gave me a term that escapes my mind right now but it occurs when a plant receives too much nitrogen. This is a foxglove that looked like it blew up and the design actually looked like paisley. It was at least 4 inches in diameter, amazing isn’t it?

I scouted about looking for a place for me to paint and I decided on flowers!P1080779.JPG

I felt like my painting needed more depth, so when I got home, I fiddle with it and hopefully didn’t take it too far. I added a few trees in the background and added more color and shadows here and there. I wonder if there are too many elements vying for attention. Originally I felt like I didn’t go far enough with the painting but now wondering if I went too far.


I lost the detail on the bark on that tree on the left which happens to be a Ponderosa. All in all, I am pleased with the experience, more like an exercise and not expecting a painting that wowed me because it was a valuable lesson in itself trying to sort out my scene on the paper. I found myself very relaxed and I picked and chose as I painted. One of the most relaxing times I had yet in plein air.


  • Watercolor is as fun as you make it, remember that!
  • Study the watercolor paintings and techniques of the masters, so much to discover and learn.
  • Expect to do a lot of painting, I might as well have fun while learning, what is the hurry, anyway?
  • Don’t expect learning this medium to be immediate, again, relax.



22 thoughts on “Daring Watercolor #14

  1. love the top image! fresh and sparkly! Its always the experience of getting to go outdoors, to take in and feel the ambience of nature, that is the main thing. you are so right!!!
    and the water lily is gorgeous, I love those, Margaret.

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  2. My blogging friend, Fruitful Dark, shared a few inspiring words today…”nature is not in a hurry”. That really resonated with me. Now, as you wrote, “What is the hurry?” Art is a wonderful way of learning patience, learning to relax, and learning to truly appreciate the beauty around us. There is no need to hurry. I like both of the images you shared of the trees and flowers. Each has its own beauty. I like the bursts of colors on the flowers in the second image, and I like the more serene blues in the top image. So, yes, I like them both. And how interesting to learn about that rather odd-looking paisley print flower! I was staring at it when the post came up in my reader, thinking “What in the world is that!” Thank you for answering the question. 🙂 Happy painting.

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  3. Margaret, wise words, as always! I love the sparkle in your paintings and the life I’m feeling from those wonderful colors all dancing together. Their light shines in the deep forest. Lovely! And so glad you’re enjoying your plein aire(sp) work! (We should just outdoors, I always feel I spell it wrong lol) 💜💜💜

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    1. actually I think that you did spell it correctly. I think most people including myself go with plein air…..when in actuality it is “en plein aire” I only use “en” when it seems to call for it. Regardless, we all know what it is and I am sure there are people out there that demand the correct spelling….hey when that happens, I’ll simply write “painting outdoors”…..lol Thank you Laura, 🙂 it was a magical day of its own and not caring about the outcome. That is a big break-through for me.


      1. So true, you are right! I probably will always be finding myself and my way with watercolor but I want to enjoy the journey and not always be hinging my happiness on the results. That is hard in this day and age. 🙂 the journey is what counts, the learning.

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      2. You’re so right, Margaret! We’ll keep reminding each other because I have the same trouble with watercolor. Look how your attitude and outlook – and confidence – has already changed! At the beginning it was all about the fight with wc. It’s like you’ve sweet talked her now and she’s cooperating with you! Love it!! 💜

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